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SOLD!  9 week old red merle boy. Calm personality (for an aussie!) wonderful temperament, loves kids, cats, and other dogs
Asking 1100


Previous litters from other years;


Red tri female - Reserved

Red Tri female --  description coming soon


Red tri female - Reserved

Red Tri female --  description coming soon


Blue merle male - Reserved

Blue Merle male --  description coming soon

First Time Outside 4/1/2020

Red tri male- Reserved

Red tri male  - almost all brown, with a white stripe down the face between the eyes, white chest, half white front legs, and half white back legs/feet

This one is an adventurous guy, he's gotten out of the box. Low to medium drive, though not hyper for an aussie

More pictures coming soon. Please keep in mind, they're going to look a bit different as they grow, so we'll try to update the pictures often. 


Red Tri female - Reserved

Red Tri female -  she has beautiful markings; a full white blaze on her face, and a partial white collar; full white chest and white belly; and 4 white legs and feet.

She gets little bursts of energy where she can be very playful one minute, and then fall asleep while eating the next minute.

This little puppy is a "ham" for the camera!


More pictures coming soon.  We'll try to update the pictures often. 


Red merle female - Reserved

Red Merle female --  This little girl has a mellow personality.  She has typical red merle markings.  She is an even tempered aussie.  She doesn't fall on either extreme of being hyper or low key, just a nice even temper.

Red tri male - Reserved

Red tri male - almost all brown, with a white chest, half white on front legs, and white on the back feet

This little guy isn't so little when compared to the rest of the litter...he loves to be held. When we sit in the box, he comes over to curl in our lap. He's growled a few times when a cat or other adult aussies bother him. Because he likes people and lets out some growls, we're thinking he has the makings of a good watchdog

More pictures coming soon. Please keep in mind, they're going to look a bit different as they grow, so we'll try to update the pictures often. 

Blue Merle male - Reserved

Blue merle male - too young to know much about him yet, but he has typical blue merle markings

More pictures coming soon. Please keep in mind, they're going to look a bit different as they grow, so we'll try to update the pictures often. 

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